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Folk Detectives

24th April 2025, 7.30pm

One sentence:

This new hit musical comedy act features Matthew Crampton and Paul Hutchinson as The Folk Detectives, a pair of bold but inept podcasters. “A cheeky and comic romp.” Sidmouth Herald


The Folk Detectives are upholding the lore - the Folklore. Join Matthew Crampton and Paul Hutchinson for some bold but inept examination of the nation’s heritage. “A cheeky and comic romp.” Sidmouth Herald



Stumbling along like a hapless live radio show that keeps going wrong, this new hit musical comedy act features Matthew Crampton and Paul Hutchinson as The Folk Detectives - bold but inept examiners of the nation’s heritage. In this thirteenth pilot for their new podcast, they challenge the ‘experts’ with outlandish theories, unusual songs, and ridiculous jokes. “A cheeky and comic romp.” Sidmouth Herald. “One of the most entertaining shows available anywhere in the folkie world.” Mike Norris, Classic Folk


The Folk Detectives are upholding the lore - the Folklore. Join Matthew Crampton and Paul Hutchinson for some bold but inept examination of our nation’s heritage. In this thirteenth pilot for their new podcast, they challenge the ‘experts’ with outlandish theories, unusual songs, and ridiculous jokes. “A cheeky and comic romp.” Sidmouth Herald. “One of the most entertaining shows available anywhere in the folkie world.” Mike Norris, Classic Folk



The Folk Detectives

“A cheeky and comic romp … overflowing with comedy, music, song, and lively audience participation.” Sidmouth Herald.

“One of the most entertaining shows available anywhere in the folkie world.” Mike Norris, Classic Folk

The Folk Detectives are Matthew Crampton and Paul Hutchinson, ditching any reputation they have built as singer-storyteller and maestro accordionist in this misguided assault on accepted wisdom.   

Their mission as Folk Detectives is ‘to uphold the lore – the Folklore.’ This leads them to forward outlandish theories: morris dancing, for example, actually originated in ancient Egypt and is closely linked to the building of pyramids. Yes, really. Oh, and Little Musgrave was not so little after all. 

If this were not bad enough, The Folk Detectives present their nonsense in a format for which they are ill suited – a podcast, recorded before a live audience. Their previous twelve pilots all failed, thanks to technical incompetence, audience revolt, and guests not turning up or suing the producers. But hope springs eternal – and Crampton & Hutchinson firmly believe their new thirteenth pilot will secure the truth and success they so desperately crave.

You should exercise great caution in attending any event run by The Folk Detectives. But should you risk it, expect wild lecture, strange songs, radio ads for dodgy sponsors, Paul’s ‘session tips’, and the likely non-appearance of notable guests. You have been warned. 

Plus youtube links and bios below….





A Taste of The Folk Detectives:

The Folk Detectives - Speed The Plough:




Matthew Crampton is a singer, storyteller and writer. A keen music hall performer, he recently created the show Have a Banana. Matthew’s more serious shows include The Transports, Human Cargo and Living By The Sea.  

Paul Hutchinson is an accordionist who toured the world for 25 years with duo Belshazzar’s Feast. Paul also works with Karen Wimhurst and Anna Tam in Coracle, and with Hannah Moore and Matt Norman fusing storytelling with ceilidh music. 

Image representing Folk Detectives from Rosslyn Court