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Catherine MacLellan & Lucy Farrell

15th May 2025, 7.30pm

Though they grew up half a world apart, multi-award-winning songwriters Catherine MacLellan (Prince Edward Island, Canada) and Lucy Farrell (Kent, England) connect through the quiet brilliance of their songcraft and the warm clarity of their delivery. Suspending time with their musical storytelling, Catherine and Lucy’s songs journal the characters, landscapes and situations that populate their lives and the broader world, unravelling and reweaving the threads of history and tradition with the deftness and surety that has made such notable touring and recording artists, collaborators and festival stage guests.

Lucy’s odd, poetic and unconventional songwriting is bewitching. Kent-born but know based in Canada where she met Catherine, her elegant, sparse and careful accompaniment on tenor guitar and occasionally viola have created a unique niche at the forefront of contemporary English folk music. Finding an international audience among artists like Julia Jacklin, Emily Portman, The Weather Station, The Unthanks and Eliza Carthy. Also well known as a member of The Furrow Collective.  

Catherine MacLellan is a JUNO award winner, ECMA songwriter of the year, and has released 7 albums over the past 20 years while touring around the world. She makes her home in her beloved Prince Edward Island, her songs reflecting the landscape of the island. Her music takes you through struggles, triumphs and the joy of life. Catherine is dedicated to the craft of songwriting, her desire for connection is at the heart of her work. Together this new collaboration will bring something very special to the stage.

Image representing Catherine MacLellan & Lucy Farrell from Rosslyn Court